The first ever Community Crossroads Mission Trip is officially planned for June 30th through July 3rd. Here are the specifics:
Who: All Jr High and High School Students
What: A mission trip
When: June 30th through July 3rd
Why: To share the love of Christ with kids
less fortunate than us. To help the
Children's Home with work that needs
done. To learn the joy of giving to
others as Christ gave to others!
How Much: To total cost of the trip will be per
person. This covers lodging, food,
T-shirt, and The Ropes Course!
Summer SPAM!
This summer, on Saturday August 3rd, we will be having a Community Crossroads Youth Rally! It will be called Summer SPAM (Sutdents Praising And Ministering) There are not many specifics yet as we are just in the planning stages, but be sure to mark your calendar for this date! If you are interested in helping plan this even, please contact Eric Porter at porter@gccym.org or by phone at 474-3485, or 255-0256